One of the strongest and most aesthetic dental restorations

What are Crowns or Dental Caps?

A crown (or a cap) is a covering that encases the tooth surface by 360 degrees, restoring it to its original shape and size. A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure to prevent fractures in future. 

Reasons why you may need a crown:

Different types of crown materials are:

  • Zirconia
  • Porcelain
  • Gold crowns

Emax Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain (tooth-coloured) crowns are the most popular choice of patients at Norburn Dental Centre. 

It's important to remember that not all porcelain crowns are made equal. We use Emax material which is the “Cadillac” of porcelain crowns.

Advantages of Emax Porcelain Crowns

  1. They are the most life-like replacement for your teeth shape and colour.
  2. They can be bonded to your teeth meaning the chances of them getting loose or coming off are very low. 
  3. Emax crowns are made by CAD-CAM computers. This ensures the highest accuracy and fit. 
  4. The strength of Emax Crowns is similar to Enamel. This means your new Crown won’t damage or crack the underlying or the opposing tooth. This is a major concern with Zirconia crowns.

You may be wondering if Emax crowns are expensive. You'd be surprised to know that at Norburn Dental Centre, they actually cost less than other options like Zirconia or Gold Crowns.

Book your appointment today for a consult with Dr. Davé to see if you can get an Emax Crown.

Frequently Asked Questions


Preserve the health of your smile and schedule a consultation with Dr. Davé today!

(604) 336-4411

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